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The air leakage test was performed under both positive and negative chamber pressures, simulating real-world scenarios of air pressure changes.
Test Results according to BS EN 1634-3: 2004
Pressure (Pa) Air Leakage Rate (m³/m/h) (Positive Chamber) Air Leakage Rate (m³/m/h) (Negative Chamber)
25 1.77 2.06
The lower the air leakage rate, the more airtight the product.  A rate of less than 3m³/h qualifies as smoke sealed for building regulations.

Acoustic Rated

Acoustic Testing
Acoustic Test Speaker 682x1024 1

UKAS-accredited independent laboratory tested to a reduction of 47 dB Rw to BS EN ISO 10140-2:2010.
This is a real-life equivalent of reducing the sound of a vacuum cleaner to the same noise your computer is making.

Fire Rated

Available with up to 2 hours fire rating. Fire testing undertaken independently by BM TRADA meeting both EN and BS standards in UKAS approved test laboratories. Certification available upon request.

IMG 9064
IMG 9069
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